Well its been a long time since I posted but, the reason is very good. The launch of Mr. Merc's Custom Car Studio was a massive success. So much so that we have been buried in work ever since. We have 11 projects in the shop and 4 waiting for an opening.
Now, we just have to get them done...(insert prayers here)

Although our little corner at the show was a bit misunderstood by the mainstream hot rod group, the more creative and cool people really got it and really loved it.

Our booth always had around 50 people hanging out...57 if you count all the security guys who kept checking in on us to make sure our cars were parked correctly. (we had to move our display around 7 times) Oh and to check out our beautiful pinup girls, Myk Rok striping, the live bands and the coolest cars in the show...but, mainly they were there because it was the most fun spot in the Tradex.

The boys showed up from all over B.C. with cars and choppers and DUDE beer. It was alot of fun to meet all the guys from the Flat Black board and just hang out and hear all the stories.

It was a blast hearing what people had to say about our cars. Most of the mainstream hotrodders did not understand `Dumpy`at all. They said things like `this just ain`t right...or no..no..no, or look he sanded right through he paint and cleared over it... But, `Dumpy grows on you...she`s `Infectious`... Myk learned a lot about his 32 from all the guys who remember it from the day...it was great hearing all the stories. The other cars were as interesting and caused as much happiness and concern. All in all it was an amazing time with an amazing outcome.