I have decided after my dayly exercise in hygene that the late forties is all about hair management. I don't have a lot of hair left on my head thanks to my mothers folically challenged genetic structure, I'm not bald, just not enough hair to grow something more than a receding hairline. SO, I just use a set of clippers and no guard and I manage the hair on my head, shaving is a breeze... I dont have a heavy beard... But, thats just the beginning of the hair management issue. It's not the hair on your head or shaving thats the problem... it's the hair everywhere else. Your eyebrows, your nose, not just in your nose but, on your nose,your back, your ears etc. etc. etc. And, if its not managing the growth it's managing the color change, in my case from brown to white. Let me give you an example.
If you have a hair growing on top of your nose and it continues to grow no matter what you do...plucking, cutting, burning, waxing etc. and that hair is white its not a big problem unless you are in the sun... but, oh no,... that hair is black... the blackest hair on my body... the only black hair I have. The hair in your nose, on the other hand, grows regularly and apparently more thick over time... thicker in the strength of the hair and thicker in the number of hairs growing in what is apparently the best growing hair space on earth... it would be easier to manage these hairs if they stayed black because of the nostrils shape and the shadow the nostril itself provides...but, oh no... these hairs turn white... white as snow so white infact that you have to become a surgeon to trim them with out cutting your nostril... "Yes, I cut the front tip of my nose trimming the hair in my nose, yes, thats right IN my nose". So here we have just two areas of hair growth within one inch of facial space that needs constant and accurate hair management.
Maybe on another day I will talk about the way my eyebrows grow...My eyebrows, neither white or brown but some kind of browny white blonde color, are a freak of nature, apparently an eyebrow hair is the fastest growing and strongest hair in the universe as those of us who have ever tried to pull one out while driving down the road can testify to. Eyebrow hairs are attached to the back of your skull, they are knitted into the hair on your back. When you try to pull one out you nearly smash your face into the mirror from the amount of force you have to exert just to get one loose, let alone remove Your ear hair, which in my case is white, thank God, is the finest hair on earth but is apparently connected to all the nerves in your body.
So far we have only covered facial hair and not completely... we have only scratched the surface of one mans journey in hair management.