I was sitting in the line at the border today and for some reason I began to think of the "F"word. You know the word that rhymes with truck. It may have been because I was surrounded by trucks that I thought of this word...or it could have been the fact that I had been in this line-up for an hour...But, I was thinking of the "F"word and it's many uses.
I actually could not figure out what the "F"word stands for anymore. It has surpassed the normal word definition and actually stands alone in the word category. The "F"word can be very offensive and it can hurt people deeply and it can be very funny if said by someone you don't expect. It can be crude when used with the right force and it can be cute when your two year old says it accidently while learning to say truck before they have learned to pronounce their T's... so cute in fact that you may have them say truck alot while you and your friends chuckle at how funny it is. It can be a description, a put-down or a compliment...for instance "that thing is "F"t up" and, "dude you are seriously "F"t" and "That is "F"n beautiful. I can't think of a more versatile word in the english language. The "F"word is so versatile it can be used as a one word sentence that says it all... "F".
The "F"word has actually grown in popularity, versatility, and acceptance over the past 38 years. When I was seven I was angry at a boy on my school bus because he got my favorite seat and he was being a bit to happy about it. I can remember trying so hard to wrap all my little fingers down just right so my middle finger could stand all alone with pride. I remember putting my defiant little hand right up to the back of the seat really close...a saying my first "F"word, not loud, I could barely hear it but, it felt great! ... and I got caught... and I got in trouble... BIG trouble... I had to apologize to that snotty nosed little kid and he did not even hear or see what I had done. I was not standing up with a blazin bird flying freely yelling the "F" word... nope quietly, and secretly... But, today everyone uses these gestures and words freely... there are so many bird's and "F"words flying around in so many different directions and with so many different meanings we hardly notice... And, speaking of popular the "F"word has its own hand sign... not just any hand sign... the most recognizable hand sign on the planet and it's so powerful.
Just some thoughts I was having while waiting in that "F"n line...
I worked in Corrections for a decade and that word got so common it meant nothing. it was like using "ummm..."
They actually had to invent an entirely new jail house vocabulary because calling someone an "f'n idiot" was pointless. But call them an "idiot goof" and it was time to start swinging fists.
the post was great and all but what is best about the whole f'n thing is that you posted a picture of JC! what could be any better?!
one of my proudest moments as a parent so far is the time when we were sitting in a well-known eatery and my eldest son (2 years young at the time) got this bright look on his face. i said "what is it?" he said, "listen! it's donndy cast!" that is good parenting!
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