A paradox is two seemingly opposing truths that are held in tension... and "paradox" is the best description for my last week. I was at a Youth With A Mission base for the week preaching on the person of Holy Spirit and then had to race home to a photo shoot of pinup girls for the up coming launch of "Mr. Mercs" Custom Car Studio and our retail showroom, "Myk Roks". What an adventure.
Monday through Friday I was preaching and praying for people to receive a REAL revelation of Holy Spirit. You know, to change your thinking about someone you thought you already knew or had already figured out. Challenging the students to think again about what they have been told, or to take a fresh look at their fears. It was an amazing week and many people had a REAL, live, life changing week....We had so much fun; the air was full of excitement and life. We were laughing and joking and dreaming and learning stuff about each other... Man, what a blast!
Then Karen and I jump into the rental car and drove home so I could get back for the photo shoot. We all started arriving at Mike's at around noon. The girls, Tiffany, Kristina, Natalia, and Madison (my daughter) were all decked out in their pinup attire and they looked B-E-A-utiful... Josh Dunford from "Burnkit" and Kris Krug, a fashion photographer from Vancouver, started setting up lights and poses on choppers and old bicycles and cars. John and Stephen from "John Fluevog Shoes" sent over some wicked footwear... even Mike and Ted and I got into the action. We had so much fun, the air was full of excitement and life. We were laughing and joking and dreaming and learning stuff about each other... Man, what a blast!
This is the snapshot of my life right now. From preaching to pinups...from building one-of-a-kind custom cars and a business to building the Kingdom of Heaven in and through one-of-a-kind people. It's an adventure alright; a fantastic one. If you would have told me living in paradox could be this much fun I wouldn't have believed you. If you would have told me that I was two seemingly opposing truths held in tension I would have laughed at you...not with you... at you. But, it's the truth... I party to hard and pray to loud.
Oh man Jesse, What a life you live. That is awesome! I had a great time while you were in Montana. I look forward to having you back at the base. Get some rest but yet Party On Jesse. Bless you.
the shoot was a blast jesse. thx for involving me.
the pics look smokin'. i've started to edit and post a couple of my favs over at
check 'em out. hope you love 'em too! :)
Hi Jesse, loved this post! When are you coming to see us at Potter's House again? Yah we're still talkin' about you!
Susie K PH Oversser
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