Howdy, and welcome to Mr. Merc's Church for Jerks. Your online stop to get your weekly inspirational thought or motivational entertainment. Actually its just an idea I had driving home the other day.
I've had a few people curious enough to ask me why I'm not heavily involved in church anymore... what happened? I guess after doing that gig for 25 years they are a little concerned that I have messed up or something. To be honest I've wondered the same thing... have I messed up or something... you know have I disqualified myself. I've gone through the normal list of sins that disqualify church leaders today and I feel I'm doing really good... I did not sleep with the secretary, I did not steal all the money out of the offering plate, I did not hire a male gigolo and have him dance around my office while I took pictures... etc.etc. etc. The simple truth is "I changed".
I changed. I got tired of all the energy it took. Got tired of biting my tongue when I really disagreed. etc.etc. I got tired of being nice. So, I became a Jerk. It was'nt like I got up one morning and decided to be a jerk... it was more like an involuntary twitch...a jerk. I would say things to people that were mean...twitch... or flipping the bird and yelling in traffic...twitch...or when people disagreed with me I wished bad stuff on them or told them off...twitch,twitch... Yep, I was a Jerk.
Thank God that was only half the change. The other part of the change was the best part...I get to become the REAL me. Paradox and all... the good and the bad...etc. etc. I have rediscovered my love for art and being an artist. I have found some peace. I have rediscovered my love for God and faith in Jesus. I am returning to the simple beliefs I had when I first got saved... you know Love God and Love people. I have found my style. I have made new friends. I am still a Jerk...and thats why I need Real forgiveness and Real mercy and Real grace...really.
The Bible says in Revelation chapter 2... "hey you Jerk"... You are doin good but, you walked out on your first love...so go back and do the stuff you did in the beginning so you can remember why you love this Person in the first place...(NJV...New Jerk Version)... See, this jerk, me, walked out on the REAL reason I love God so much and I got all consumed with church stuff, which is doin good, but ain't the REAL deal for me. I love God because He really loves me...jerks and all... just like I am...in the middle of change...my paradox. I love God because he is full of grace, mercy and forgiveness.
Jerks need that.
NJV! :)
Glad you're back Jesse!
I'll be praying for the launch. We've been jerkchurch planting for while now....we just didn't know it.
My blessed Misfit church has now made me an apostle of a small area of my town, My network is growing and my book will be out soon! I wanna be the deacon of your church as well.
I love this article man honest and raw and full of grace just like the Lord of Jerks Himself. Keep going Jess.
Wow. This post really resonates with me. I don't know what happened, or even why, but I'm about ready to puke with being so freakin' churchy these days. The funny thing is that I thought I'd gotten out of it. Heck, I even used "crap" in a talk I gave one Sunday in front of the whole church back where I'm from. But now. I don't know where to begin. I like hanging with most of the people I know at my church, but I don't miss going to church on the Sundays I skip. If there was some way to bleach the churchy crap out of my DNA, and just end up as a redhead who loves Jesus and tries to love others, I'd be way more at peace. This journey is messy, and half the time I think I'm going in circles. Thanks for being real. Sara Orange
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