Thursday, March 5, 2009

Beer Suit

I was thinking today about the old saying "Beer Goggles"... and the implications there of.  "Beer Goggles" for those of you who do not know, is the effect that beer has on your eyes.  Apparently, when you drink beer it has an effect on your eyes causing you and all other people around you to become better looking.  To the point that you end up with someone you would never normally be attracted to in any way shape or form... (Thus leading us to another topic of the three phases of ugly... but, that is another topic)  Therefore, you see someone at 7:00 pm that you are not attracted to, drink beer... which automatically puts on your beer goggles,... and by ten o'clock the unattractive person from 7:00 has become the most attractive and desired person on earth... This is the "Beer Goggle Effect".

I believe however that beer when consumed actually creates an alter ego that overtakes our entire body until the effects of the beer wears off.  Thus I introduce the concept of the Beer Suit... complete with Goggles.  I have heard that when a person drinks beer not only do they see things differently they also hear differently, talk differently, walk differently and feel differently.  It seems that all of the person you knew before the consumption of beer has disappeared and you are now dealing with your friend in a "Beer Suit" ... Oh, they may look the same, but, make no mistake about it, the Beer Suit is in complete control.  I have also observed that the "Beer Suit" actually stays completely undisturbed and fully in control even while some or all of the beer drinkers clothes are removed...amazing.  

So, my friends be very careful when you consume beer... the "Beer Suit" is waiting... and once you put the "Beer Suit" on it will have it's way... It thinks it can dance, but, it can't... It thinks it's saying the right thing...but, it's not... and on and on and on... Beware of the "Beer Suit"   

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lol..the beer suit exists! its true! The things bullet proof can smack your head, fall flat on your face and keep going. As for its beer suit is like a retarded ogre...and I find my sober brain is trapped inside holding its leash, about two seconds behind everything it does/ it..