On March the 11th 1934 one of the greatest people I have ever met was born... My Mom. She was a gift from God to Barney and Mattie May Welker. Mattie May, or Grandma Welker, was a tiny woman with a giant spirit married to a very big man who loved to play the banjo and the fiddle and loved Redman chewing tobacco. They were sharecroppers and loggers and horse trainners, horse traders and hard working, strong people who knew what they believed and believed it with all their heart. My Grandma and Grandpa had 11 kids 5 died but, Von, Virgil, Leroy, Adelle, May-Dean, and My Mom lived to tell the stories. They may have been very poor but, they were rich in spirit and the most colorful characters I have ever known.
Mom's first chore was to count the chickens in the morning through the slats in the floor of her bedroom and she has never stopped working. She worked at the Marblehill Hat Factory for most of the years she was raising "us kids" and in her spare time helped those less fortunate than herself... even at a youthful 75, she still cares for the "little old people" of Bollinger County. My Mom is very compassionate, she see's people... she feel's their need... and she takes action to meet those needs. My Mom is very, very strong... she is so strong you sometimes forget she has needs of her own. My Mom is very encouraging... to this day and for the rest of my life I have this little voice in my head... this little video tape that plays over and over... My Mom would look me in the eyes and would say "Jesse, you can do anything you set your mind to"... and you know what... I can! I can, because My Mom says I can. My Mom can fix anything... she can make wonderful meals from nothing... she can make your toothache go away with a little whiskey on a cotton ball... She can get you back on track with just a look... She thinks she was so mean when she punished us but all I can remember was trying not to giggle... My Mom loves Jesus or "The Lord Jesus" as she would say, with all her heart... she seriously wants to please Him by the way she lives her life... she is a sinner and reminds herself of this everyday to keep herself from judging, or being a hypocrite. My Mom is honest and authentic... what you see is what you get. My Mom is very lovable.
So, Happy Birthday Mom!!! I am very proud of you and of your life... I am proud that you: Iva Dean "Lanora" Welker are My Mom...
Your Son,...
ie/aka Snotnosed Jones, Knothead, Mr Banjo, or (your "baby" boy),
and proud of it...
PS... this is not a picture of My Mom... My Mom is much prettier.
beautiful tribute!
Really beautiful.
I still remember seeing a pic of your sweet little mom holding a catfish on the end of a fishing pole. SO cute.
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