Monday, January 7, 2008

Big Events Rock

So I'm planning this event in February at the Abbotsford Tradex.  It's a big car show and I'm launching my new business at the event.  A few months ago I was remembering how car dealerships used to cover the windows when the new models came in and no one saw them until the release day.  Our whole little town could'nt wait.  When the day arrived we would cruise by and look in the windows at the new what a memory.  I thought it would be fun to recapture that memory at the launch of our new studio.  So I am going to unveil two very different and very well done cars.  There will be pin-up girls, and custom guitars and designer shoes, and rock bands, and vintage art.  I'm so excited about this show.  It's one of those things that is bigger than the event.  The energy and buzz is taking on its own life.  I love watching these things happen.  This is going to be a real blast. 


Anonymous said...

Know what else rocks?

Jesse Padgett, blogger!

Jesse Padgett said...

You know what Rocks better

Jordan "The Batman" Bateman

N said...

Sounds great, man. And nice place you got here. Looking forward to more.

Jenn Bateman said...

Sounds so cool! Where do I get my tickets??