Monday, September 1, 2008

Hair Management

I have decided after my dayly exercise in hygene that the late forties is all about hair management. I don't have a lot of hair left on my head thanks to my mothers folically challenged genetic structure, I'm not bald, just not enough hair to grow something more than a receding hairline. SO, I just use a set of clippers and no guard and I manage the hair on my head, shaving is a breeze... I dont have a heavy beard... But, thats just the beginning of the hair management issue. It's not the hair on your head or shaving thats the problem... it's the hair everywhere else. Your eyebrows, your nose, not just in your nose but, on your nose,your back, your ears etc. etc. etc. And, if its not managing the growth it's managing the color change, in my case from brown to white. Let me give you an example.

If you have a hair growing on top of your nose and it continues to grow no matter what you do...plucking, cutting, burning, waxing etc. and that hair is white its not a big problem unless you are in the sun... but, oh no,... that hair is black... the blackest hair on my body... the only black hair I have. The hair in your nose, on the other hand, grows regularly and apparently more thick over time... thicker in the strength of the hair and thicker in the number of hairs growing in what is apparently the best growing hair space on earth... it would be easier to manage these hairs if they stayed black because of the nostrils shape and the shadow the nostril itself provides...but, oh no... these hairs turn white... white as snow so white infact that you have to become a surgeon to trim them with out cutting your nostril... "Yes, I cut the front tip of my nose trimming the hair in my nose, yes, thats right IN my nose". So here we have just two areas of hair growth within one inch of facial space that needs constant and accurate hair management.

Maybe on another day I will talk about the way my eyebrows grow...My eyebrows, neither white or brown but some kind of browny white blonde color, are a freak of nature, apparently an eyebrow hair is the fastest growing and strongest hair in the universe as those of us who have ever tried to pull one out while driving down the road can testify to. Eyebrow hairs are attached to the back of your skull, they are knitted into the hair on your back. When you try to pull one out you nearly smash your face into the mirror from the amount of force you have to exert just to get one loose, let alone remove Your ear hair, which in my case is white, thank God, is the finest hair on earth but is apparently connected to all the nerves in your body.

So far we have only covered facial hair and not completely... we have only scratched the surface of one mans journey in hair management.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

mid-life =New-life

Some people go through a mid-life crisis around 45 to 50...well I turned 46 last month and seeing how I am probably past mid-life I figured I should do something new... I decided I should start with a new signature. Your signature says a lot about who you are and what you stand is your mark. So, I spent alot of time designing my new know, something people would recognize immediately, something they could identify with as a unique and bold statement. So, here it is...

I don't know what it is but this signature speaks to me...and, I want to sign my name all the time now. It really stands out...It was a bit hard to master, but, as soon as I mastered it, it is as natural to sign as my old signature. I am very proud of my new statement and can't wait to use it all the time. So keep you eyes open... this signature could pop-up anywhere. I can't figure out why it so appealling to me... I keep looking at it over and over. yeah, I love it. It seems to have its own life and energy. Maybe you can see what I'm missing...I don't know, I just love it.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Custom Car Design...Art

So I was inspired to design my 53 Chevy Belair Hardtop...but, I could'nt find any paper...only pens. I want to do something that takes the Moon Glow to the next level and then maybe a little bit farther. So I used the roof.

It was so fun to write all the ideas and measurements rihgt on the roof that way I wont loose them. What a great idea. Heres a side veiw.

SOOooo...Gotta lot to weld and cut and patch and stretch and chop and section....

Sunday, April 20, 2008

WOW!!!...What a ride.

Well its been a long time since I posted but, the reason is very good. The launch of Mr. Merc's Custom Car Studio was a massive success. So much so that we have been buried in work ever since. We have 11 projects in the shop and 4 waiting for an opening. Now, we just have to get them done...(insert prayers here)

Although our little corner at the show was a bit misunderstood by the mainstream hot rod group, the more creative and cool people really got it and really loved it.

Our booth always had around 50 people hanging out...57 if you count all the security guys who kept checking in on us to make sure our cars were parked correctly. (we had to move our display around 7 times) Oh and to check out our beautiful pinup girls, Myk Rok striping, the live bands and the coolest cars in the show...but, mainly they were there because it was the most fun spot in the Tradex.

The boys showed up from all over B.C. with cars and choppers and DUDE beer. It was alot of fun to meet all the guys from the Flat Black board and just hang out and hear all the stories.

It was a blast hearing what people had to say about our cars. Most of the mainstream hotrodders did not understand `Dumpy`at all. They said things like `this just ain`t right...or, or look he sanded right through he paint and cleared over it... But, `Dumpy grows on you...she`s `Infectious`... Myk learned a lot about his 32 from all the guys who remember it from the was great hearing all the stories. The other cars were as interesting and caused as much happiness and concern. All in all it was an amazing time with an amazing outcome.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Old Cars Inspire Me.

I don't know what it is about old cars but they have this power over me.  When I see them I see what they could be... when I touch them I touch history... I can hear the crackly old AM radio playing old tunes that were new when this old car rolled off the showroom floor.  I can feel all the excitement of the new owners and their families, just home from the war, a new house and a new car, things were really coming together, and the whole package only cost seven grand.  There is nothing like old car smell... it's a potpouri of old leather, cheap perfume, pine tree air freshener and cigaretts.  All of my senses spring to life except for my taste buds... I have never tasted a car...but, I'm sure it tastes like really good beer.

Then something wonderful happens.  My mind starts to rebuild this car... to change this or that.  I'm suddenly inspired to begin to make this car more than a car.  It's already been a car for 50 or 65 or even 80 years.  I can almost hear the old metal creek out the phrase..."Make me beautiful again".  I almost feel a responsibility and compassion towards the old heap of history.  However, when these old cars inspire me to do something about their current state, It's never to make them what they were, it's always to make them what they could be... today.  Change their shape, their ability to go fast, update their sound systems and interiors... They just don't want to be remembered for what the were in the past, they want to make a new statement about their present and their future.  The car above is the same car... before in its old skin, our history... our past... and after... our present/future statement of what we know we could be, what we feel is bursting through the creeky old metal... And thats nothing, wait till you see it done. 

I'm an artist, and old car parts is my medium... I love old cars... and I love all the culture, creativity and community that surrounds old cars.  I love turning old things into new things.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Pinups, Preaching and Paradox

A paradox is two seemingly opposing truths that are held in tension... and "paradox" is the best description for my last week.  I was at a Youth With A Mission base for the week preaching on the person of Holy Spirit and then had to race home to a photo shoot of pinup girls for the up coming launch of "Mr. Mercs" Custom Car Studio and our retail showroom, "Myk Roks".  What an adventure.

Monday through Friday I was preaching and praying for people to receive a REAL revelation of Holy Spirit.  You know, to change your thinking about someone you thought you already knew or had already figured out.  Challenging the students to think again about what they have been told, or to take a fresh look at their fears.  It was an amazing week and many people had a REAL, live, life changing week....We had so much fun; the air was full of excitement and life.  We were laughing and joking and dreaming and learning stuff about each other... Man, what a blast!

Then Karen and I jump into the rental car and drove home so I could get back for the photo shoot. We all started arriving at Mike's at around noon.  The girls, Tiffany, Kristina, Natalia, and Madison (my daughter) were all decked out in their pinup attire and they looked B-E-A-utiful... Josh Dunford from "Burnkit" and Kris Krug, a fashion photographer from Vancouver, started setting up lights and poses on choppers and old bicycles and cars.  John and Stephen from "John Fluevog Shoes" sent over some wicked footwear... even Mike and Ted and I got into the action.    We had so much fun, the air was full of excitement and life.  We were laughing and joking and dreaming and learning stuff about each other... Man, what a blast!

This is the snapshot of my life right now.  From preaching to pinups...from building one-of-a-kind custom cars and a business to building the Kingdom of Heaven in and through one-of-a-kind people.  It's an adventure alright; a fantastic one.  If you would have told me living in paradox could be this much fun I wouldn't have believed you.  If you would have told me that I was two seemingly opposing truths held in tension I would have laughed at you...not with you... at you.  But, it's the truth... I party to hard and pray to loud.  

Friday, January 18, 2008

The "F" Bomb

I was sitting in the line at the border today and for some reason I began to think of the "F"word.  You know the word that rhymes with truck.  It may have been because I was surrounded by trucks that I thought of this word...or it could have been the fact that I had been in this line-up for an hour...But, I was thinking of the "F"word and it's many uses.

I actually could not figure out what the "F"word stands for anymore.  It has surpassed the normal word definition and actually stands alone in the word category.  The "F"word can be very offensive and it can hurt people deeply and it can be very funny if said by someone you don't expect.  It can be crude when used with the right force and it can be cute when your two year old says it accidently while learning to say truck before they have learned to pronounce their T's... so cute in fact that you may have them say truck alot while you and your friends chuckle at how funny it is.  It can be a description, a put-down or a compliment...for instance "that thing is "F"t up" and, "dude you are seriously "F"t" and "That is "F"n beautiful.  I can't think of a more versatile word in the english language.  The "F"word is so versatile it can be used as a one word sentence that says it all... "F".

The "F"word has actually grown in popularity, versatility, and acceptance over the past 38 years.  When I was seven I was angry at a boy on my school bus because he got my favorite seat and he was being a bit to happy about it.  I can remember trying so hard to wrap all my little fingers down just right so my middle finger could stand all alone with pride.  I remember putting my defiant little hand right up to the back of the seat really close...a saying my first "F"word, not loud, I could barely hear it but, it felt great! ... and I got caught... and I got in trouble... BIG trouble... I had to apologize to that snotty nosed little kid and he did not even hear or see what I had done.  I was not standing up with a blazin bird flying freely yelling the "F" word... nope quietly, and secretly... But, today everyone uses these gestures and words freely... there are so many bird's and "F"words flying around in so many different directions and with so many different meanings we hardly notice... And, speaking of popular the "F"word has its own hand sign... not just any hand sign... the most recognizable hand sign on the planet and it's so powerful.
Just some thoughts I was having while waiting in that "F"n line... 

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Mr. Merc's Church for Jerks

Howdy, and welcome to Mr. Merc's Church for Jerks.  Your online stop to get your weekly inspirational thought or motivational entertainment.  Actually its just an idea I had driving home the other day.  
I've had a few people curious enough to ask me why I'm not heavily involved in church anymore... what happened?  I guess after doing that gig for 25 years they are a little concerned that I have messed up or something.  To be honest I've wondered the same thing... have I messed up or something... you know have I disqualified myself.  I've gone through the normal list of sins that disqualify church leaders today and I feel I'm doing really good... I did not sleep with the secretary, I did not steal all the money out of the offering plate, I did not hire a male gigolo and have him dance around my office while I took pictures... etc.etc. etc.  The simple truth is "I changed".
I changed.  I got tired of all the energy it took.  Got tired of biting my tongue when I really disagreed.  etc.etc.  I got tired of being nice.  So, I became a Jerk.  It was'nt like I got up one morning and decided to be a jerk... it was more like an involuntary twitch...a jerk.  I would say things to people that were mean...twitch... or flipping the bird and yelling in traffic...twitch...or when people disagreed with me I wished bad stuff on them or told them off...twitch,twitch...  Yep, I was a Jerk.
Thank God that was only half the change.  The other part of the change was the best part...I get to become the REAL me.  Paradox and all... the good and the bad...etc. etc.  I have rediscovered my love for art and being an artist.  I have found some peace.  I have rediscovered my love for God and faith in Jesus.  I am returning to the simple beliefs I had when I first got saved... you know Love God and Love people.  I have found my style.  I have made new friends.  I am still a Jerk...and thats why I need Real forgiveness and Real mercy and Real grace...really.
The Bible says in Revelation chapter 2... "hey you Jerk"... You are doin good but, you walked out on your first go back and do the stuff you did in the beginning so you can remember why you love this Person in the first place...(NJV...New Jerk Version)... See, this jerk, me, walked out on the REAL reason I love God so much and I got all consumed with church stuff, which is doin good, but ain't the REAL deal for me.  I love God because He really loves me...jerks and all... just like I the middle of paradox.  I love God because he is full of grace, mercy and forgiveness.  
Jerks need that.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

When it Rains it Pours...

We have been planning this launch for our new business for a couple months now and I can't believe how much energy it is gaining.    The people who have gathered around the launch of Mr. Merc's are some of the greatest people I have ever met.  These folks are incredibly talented, gifted would be a better word.  They are thoughtful, and kind and generous... what a great bunch.

The ideas and pieces coming together are brilliant and I cant wait for the 23rd to get here.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Big Events Rock

So I'm planning this event in February at the Abbotsford Tradex.  It's a big car show and I'm launching my new business at the event.  A few months ago I was remembering how car dealerships used to cover the windows when the new models came in and no one saw them until the release day.  Our whole little town could'nt wait.  When the day arrived we would cruise by and look in the windows at the new what a memory.  I thought it would be fun to recapture that memory at the launch of our new studio.  So I am going to unveil two very different and very well done cars.  There will be pin-up girls, and custom guitars and designer shoes, and rock bands, and vintage art.  I'm so excited about this show.  It's one of those things that is bigger than the event.  The energy and buzz is taking on its own life.  I love watching these things happen.  This is going to be a real blast. 

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

What is this?

Building cars has been apart of my life since 1977 when I dragged home an old 64 galaxy that had been sitting under a berry tree and started washing off the mulberries and bird poo.  It was a gross job but, all I could see was the diamond of a car hidden under the layers and layers of dirt.  I  proudly drove that car  for almost 2 years before I sold it and bought my second car... a mint 1966 Fairlane.  I was forever infected with this disease that made me want to find old dirty cars and make them new again.  Since the first time I cruised my galaxy down the strip until today I have and still am in love with old cars and the culture that surrounds them.  

Thats why I started Mr. Merc's Custom Car Studio.  I wanted a place where I could buy, build and sell art that appeals to the kustom kulture... my culture.  I love the vibe that surrounds the little studios...(garages and shops) that are scattered all over the world.   Little dingy, buildings and garages filled with wall art and car parts and right in the middle is the masterpiece.  Just the image of this is art... your imagination fills in the rest.  You can almost hear the music coming out of some dusty old stereo, guys and girls talking about their latest adventure, the sound of a beer can opening, and friends laughing and dreaming together. 

Mr. Merc's exists to showcase the art that our Kustom Kulture creates.  Whether you are building a home built ratrod or a custom 54 chevy its art.  It's art because you create it and then put it out there for people to see...your interpretation of something on display for the public to see... If that is not art I don't know what is.  Building cars is art... our palette is old car parts, our medium is metal, bondo and paint, our brushes are welders, and wrenches and sandpaper.   We call left over or unusable parts yard art or wall art...pinball machines and jukeboxes are used to decorate our living spaces and shops.  This culture is an artistic statement about our history and our future.  

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

The Beginning of Mr. Merc's

Here is the first test post for Mr. Merc's Custom Car Studio.  Yep. that's right an official blog site for people who love Custom Car's and the Kulture that surrounds them.