Monday, June 1, 2009
Bill Hines

Wednesday, May 27, 2009
The Official "Jesse Padgett" blog

In fact it was Bill Hines who was employed by Dean's father in the early '50s at the family's Nash dealership in Michigan who taught Dick how to weld and do lead work. After a stint as a pilot in the Korean War, he went to the famed Art Center in SoCal and, in the mid '50s, opened his first custom shop called South End Customs.
At the Detroit Autorama in 1959 Dean met George Barris, who offered Dean a job doing bodywork, and Dick ended up working for Barris for three years. Dean also worked with Dean Jeffries in the '60s on the Monkeemobile, the Green Hornet car, and many other iconic TV and movie vehicles.
Over the years Dean had stated he "must have chopped more than 1,000 cars," (300 or more being of the '49-51 Merc bodies), and his status of the Sultan of Chop will probably never be equaled. An easy-going, fun-loving sort of individual, Dick always had a smile for you.
Monday, May 4, 2009
How #3 ... "Reach for the middle" part 2

Friday, May 1, 2009
How #3 ... "Reach for the middle" part 1

Now I know that many of you are turned off by the title of "How #3" ... so, before I continue let me explain a thang or two. I never reach for the middle... I always reach for the top ... I always want to move from "Good to Great" ... "excellence is a good start but, we can do better" ... I love attempting to do the un-do-able or the not yet done ... and, I love the reaction it creates when you do it. If you know me, then you know that I have a long list of successes that prove this ... If you do not know me I would be happy to tell you about my success... I like to brag, it makes me feel good. I believe good bragging makes God happy he made me. Bragging, like Pride, is a way to check and see if you love yourself enough to love others ... I can safely say I love myself and I am great at doing above average things, if not great things, if not unbelievable, fantastic, how the heck did you do that things that prove God exists.... So, reaching for the middle is a bit of a stretch for me... in the wrong direction.
Monday, April 27, 2009
How #2 ... "We are all a bunch of TOOLS!"

Monday, April 20, 2009
Question before How#2...???
Friday, April 17, 2009
How ... #1
Friday, April 3, 2009
Chaos, Crazies, and Charasmania ... part 4

Monday, March 30, 2009
Chaos, Crazies, and Charasmania.."Part 3"
The first time I can remember meeting "Crazy Wolf" was after a concert in the city. I was still living in "Conservativille" and had gone on one of my trips to the city to get a little refueling and to get a break from "Chaos" (the first wolf in our story). Now, don't forget, "Chaos" was still chewing me to bits ... there was not a day, or night, when he did not come sniffing around looking for some small morsel or bone to gnaw away on. When I met "Crazy Wolf" it was a very entertaining relief from the serious amount of concentration it required to deal with "Chaos". We laughed and talked about the concert, talked about how wonderful it was to experience a whole new kind of relationship with God and could not wait to see what would happen next. At the next event "Crazy Wolf" saw me from across the room and ran over to make sure I met the entire "Crazy Wolf Crew". You see, I learned that this type of wolf runs in loosely undefined packs which allow them to remain committed to their crazy ways and antics feel secure and safe ... while remaining UN-committed to anything that makes them feel like they are losing their freedom. Yet, they are a very fun group of people to go to a concert with... they are so much fun ... they laugh alot, and really loud, they sing and dance and enjoy every part of the concert to the fullest. These "Crazies" as I call them also seem to be able to attend every concert the city has to offer... they are always there, and always happy to be there ... I loved hanging out with the "Crazies" ... they made me laugh ... made me feel less crazy ... made my chaos seem unimportant ... and made every part of life, other than the times spent at concerts, seem less serious ... less stressful ...
Over time I began to notice something about the "Crazy Wolf Crew" ... they were CRAZY!!! They never stopped being crazy ... and because they were crazy all the time ... people, at the concerts, in "Conservativille", in "Charasmatropolis", in the mall, at the coffee shop, ... everybody ... thought they were crazy ... Because they are crazy! These "Crazy Wolves" care only about one thing ... the way they feel ... their feelings run the show ... not just a little bit ... their feelings Completely run their entire life ... If you hurt their feelings in anyway shape or form they will turn on you and make others believe you have become the most unsafe, dangerous person on the planet. These "Crazy Wolves" have worked on the sense of "feeling" so much they can actually feel things that are not real, not there, that do not even exist ... and, they can emote with such pain ans sincerity that they cause others to borrow their offense and feel hurt on thier behalf. These "Crazy Wolves" are committed to only one thing ... Their own freedom ... complete, un-contested, un-realistic, and un-defined freedom... They actually think that no one has the right to impose any requests or parameters on their behavior at all ... and, the second you do, is when the "Wolf" in the "Crazy Wolf" shows up. When "The Crazy Wolf Crew" feel trapped or un-free they will attack ... and will do so with cunning and precision that you would not expect from such a loosely defined and fun loving group ... but, make no mistake about it, they are more dangerous than "Chaos" ... their goal is to end your life not just annoy it.
"A picture is worth a thousand words" ... as seen above, "Crazy Wolves" look like fun and seem harmless ... but, note the large teeth, eyes, and ears. These fun loving, thrill seeking mammals have been trained by the cities finest.
Their "big ears" have heard more sermons, inspirational talks, motivational moments and broad observations than any other animal of their kind ... they have lots of information at their disposal ... they invest in tapes, c.d.'s, d.v.d's, books, work books etc. They use this information to protect themselves when they feel attacked ... They have not experienced any of the information they have consumed therefore they are not wise ... just informed ... informed not transformed ... they live to be free and to feel.
Their "big eyes" have seen so many things in the city and they speak with such apparent understanding and experience yet their self proclaimed experience and understanding only serves their own desires to feel and be free ... what they see does not change them or transform them it only encourages them to see more ... they can't even see how their actions effect others.
Their "big teeth" just help them chew you up ... It's their "Big Tongue" that does the most damage. "Crazy Wolves" know how to say things that make others feel like they need to be protected. "Crazy Wolves" use their tongues to cause people to feel as though they are being attacked and endangered ... they sulk, and pout, and become quiet ... when others ask what is wrong they use the cunning tongue to encourage others to speak out on their behalf ... to protect them... to speak out on behalf of the poor, neglected, hurt, ... angry, hungry, selfish "Crazy Wolf" ... and then after causing as much damage and harm as possible ...
They Leave.
Remember, the "Crazy Wolf" is only committed to feelings and freedom and nothing else ... They will never stay in one place, never put down roots and never build for the long haul. Their very nature demands that they keep moving ... they must continue to experience new and higher heights of feelings ... they must find more and free-er freedom. The "Crazy Wolves" never stop ... they will continue to flow through your city concerts and events ... howling at the moon. "Crazy Wolves" scare people, confuse people, and cause non-crazies to experience stress and discomfort to the point that they can only hear the howling wolves and nothing else ... As "Chaos" wears you down and makes your weak ... the "Crazy Wolf" circles, looking like they need a home but, what they really want,
... is a meal ...
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Chaos, Crazies and Charamania ... "Part 2"

In my last blog I gave a little peek into my journey and adventure from my home town "conservativille" to the big wild city of "Charasmatropolis". The move for me was very fast and at first felt like a perfect fit, but, over time, began to make me feel more like I had "lost" my way than "found" my way... and, like I said at the end of the last blog, I think I know why.
The first thing that happened when I experienced the real, true, and exciting encounter with God was "Chaos". By chaos I mean the feeling of having all of your life poured into one of those dime store christmas snow domes and having some gorilla shake the s--t out of it. I suddenly had a gift, that a couple days ago I did not believe in, I suddenly realized I did not know as much as I thought I did, I suddenly realized I had only lived or known one dimension of this "Christian" life I truely thought I was fully living ... this chaos seemed to leak into every part of my life. Now remember I was still living in "Conservativille" and even though I looked for help, I could not find anyone in my town who could help me understand what had happened. So, I began to look for help outside of our town, I began to read books that our little towns library did not stock, I began to venture outside of the city limits to see what the big city had to offer, I even went to concerts, and events held in the big city... I know, dangerous, but sooo much fun... I felt so at home ... my chaos felt at peace in the chaos of the big city.
On my trips to the city I met new people and made new friends... thier story was alot like mine. They had the same interests and abilities that I did and they seemed to know how to use them. They were not afraid to talk about them, laugh at them, or even play with them to see what could happen. I met people who had alot of experience in the big city and offered to show me around... these people told me things about myself that only I knew... my deep heart desires. I found myself wanting to spend more and more time in the city... I felt so out of place in little Conservativille... I felt like my friends there did not understand me ... I felt like there was no one there who could help me... when I was in Conservativille my chaos would increase until I could hardly breath. When I was in the big city I felt peaceful, understood, encouraged and my chaos seemed to disappear... So, I moved to the Big City... I packed up my life and moved to Charasmatropolis. I thought the chaos would go away...but, it did not. It seemed the move only increased the problem ... I lost all of my friends in Conservativille, I did'nt get invited to any parties, concerts or events ... some people, not everyone, in Conservativille (those who feared the big city Charasmatropolis) did all they could to make sure I knew I was not welcome in Conservativille anymore. This only caused my chaos to increase and in order to live in the big city I moved my heart from Conservativille as well... something I never wanted to do.

You see, I love Conservativille. It is where I grew up ... where all my childhood friends are ... all the people I admired as a child and wanted to be like when I was grown... The people who taught me things I could never learn in the big city, you know, that home town wisdom and understanding that comes from being in the same place for a long time and having deep roots... deep roots. Conservativille taught me that there are things in life that are constant and unmovable... that grey is not a good color to paint everything with ... My life was strong and secure and solid and sure and successful... No wonder they thought I had lost my mind when I entered into such massive chaos... No wonder they thought I was making a big mistake when I moved to Charasmatropolis. You see, I would have never left Conservativille if someone there would have helped me learned how to embrace what I was going through without denying the positive effects it was having on my life... but, no one would or could ... If someone would have been curious and walked with me in the chaos I would have built a home in Conservativille.
Chaos is healthy and is necessary when you need and desire transformation. After chaos has its season, structure begins to emerge and take shape to enable the new life to find strength, or something to lean on, until the new life can stand on its own ... Chaos must come to an end, structure must follow or chaos will continue to create more chaos. Things like structure and wisdom and curiousity both strenghten and protect ... they bring chaos to an end and cause a strong and sustainable life.
My move to Charasmatropolis seemed to build a greenhouse for chaos to flourish while at the same time making it nearly impossible for a person to find things like structure and wisdom. When I realized that the chaos in Charasmatropolis may never stop I knew I would not be able to live like this forever ... I had no idea what would happen but I knew it would get me... like a hungry old bear or like a crafty old wolf ... yes three old hungry wolves... The first one attacks and his name is chaos ... while you are still spinning from chaos ... the second wolf named crazies begins to circle ... we will talk about this crazy wolf in part three.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Chaos, Crazies and Charasmania `part one``

Thursday, March 12, 2009
The "Greatest Mom" I ever had.

On March the 11th 1934 one of the greatest people I have ever met was born... My Mom. She was a gift from God to Barney and Mattie May Welker. Mattie May, or Grandma Welker, was a tiny woman with a giant spirit married to a very big man who loved to play the banjo and the fiddle and loved Redman chewing tobacco. They were sharecroppers and loggers and horse trainners, horse traders and hard working, strong people who knew what they believed and believed it with all their heart. My Grandma and Grandpa had 11 kids 5 died but, Von, Virgil, Leroy, Adelle, May-Dean, and My Mom lived to tell the stories. They may have been very poor but, they were rich in spirit and the most colorful characters I have ever known.